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Terms & conditions

How we protect your personal information


At Hoyle Da Silva we are committed to ensuring the privacy of the personal information provided to us. The following statement sets out our general policy for the protection of such privacy.


When dealing with us, we generally store the minimum personal information about individuals required to effectively adhere to our client’s instructions.


An example of the type of information we may hold about individuals includes information provided to us when clients instruct us to act for them, including information about third parties for use in current or anticipated litigation in which our clients are, or may be, involved;


We will not ask to collect sensitive information about individuals unless it is needed for the purposes of providing legal advice. 


We hold personal information, inter alia, for the following purposes:


  • To send communications and generally to undertake work in relation to services we have been engaged to provide;

  • To provide legal advice to our clients, or for use in current or anticipated litigation in which our clients are or may be involved.


Where we no longer require personal information for a permitted purpose, we will take reasonable steps to securely destroy it.


You generally have a right to access the personal information we store about you unless it is subject to legal privilege. 


We take reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal information.  Our premises and data storage are housed in secure buildings with access restricted to authorised persons.  Our IT systems are secured inside firewalls and password protected and we conduct regular audit and data integrity checks.  We frequently update our anti-virus software in order to protect our systems (and the data contained in those systems) from computer viruses.  We periodically use secure methods of document destruction for files stored with our external archive storage suppliers when information is no longer needed to be kept by us (such as after expiry of the Statute of Limitations for legal documents)


All employees are required, as a condition of employment, to treat personal information held by us as confidential.


We treat privacy matters very seriously.  If you think that your privacy has been interfered with due to a breach of our obligations in relation to privacy please email Mark Da Silva at


We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time.  

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